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2023 Prophetic Release

We are living in the best of times and God has great things in store for 2023. God sets before us “obstacle courses” this year that we can easily run through, with ease, by our surrender and His grace – with great reward awaiting. Set your course for wholehearted pursuit of the Lord as He will be moving in extraordinary ways!

As we have already entered into 2023 here are some prophetic thoughts about this year.

This year has clearly been marked by the Lord as a time to prosper, take back land and to see His glory. As we fully embrace a “kingdom mindset” we will see these things take place on a personal level.

Prosperity in 2023

God’s plan is prosperity for our lives. He wants us to prosper in whatever we put our hand to. Every thought that the devil has is “impoverished” while every thought inspired by God is “prosperous”. God is the source of all prosperity. What does it mean to prosper? It means to break out and be profitable.

God is the Creator of INCREASE and profit. He spoke the Word “let there be light” in the beginning and the universe is still expanding and increasing! There is no lack in Him. That’s why Jesus could say, “Seek first the KINGDOM of God and all these things will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33) Profit means “financial gain”. God calls us into a place of continual breakthrough where we break out into new places of His blessing.

It is essential to have kingdom thinking.

We realize that there are many religions in the world. But Jesus did not bring a religion. Jesus brought the KINGDOM. Man has created religion, not God. Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men – not create a man-made system. The Kingdom of God is central. While there are many religions, Christianity being one of them, there are only two kingdoms. There is the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. So when you ask someone what religion they are it doesn’t really matter much. The question is “What Kingdom are you in?” You are either in the Kingdom of God or the devil’s kingdom.

This is why it is a legal matter. This is why Jesus is THE WAY into the Kingdom of God. He is the Mediator between God and man. (1 Timothy 2:5) He paid the price to give us entrance into the Kingdom of God. We are born again into HIS Kingdom and family. (John 3:3-7) No one can enter the KINGDOM unless they are born again – coming to Jesus Who is THE DOOR.

With this in mind we have crossed over into a vast and huge inheritance – into the far superior Kingdom of Light, as opposed to a most inferior kingdom of darkness, that is a complete reflection of the King Himself, Jesus.

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Colossians 1:13

This has been God’s intent all along, throughout scripture to this day, as His goal was to have a Kingdom of priests.

And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.

Exodus 19:6

…and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Revelation 1:6

This is nothing new as He demonstrates His prosperous nature both in blessing Abraham, Isaac and Jacob both in natural and spiritual blessings – prosperity in both realms.

Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous;

Genesis 26:12-13

It is also seen in His promises as we “obey His commands and follow His voice” that He PROMISES to bless us “coming in and going out” in all things. If we rebel and disobey that’s another story that we don’t want to be a part of. (Deuteronomy 28)

And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 28:2

This is under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant is far superior with BETTER PROMISES. The fullness of prosperity is realized in Christ. Remember that everything about the devil’s kingdom is impoverished. Everything associated with the Kingdom of God is PROSPEROUS. The devil steals, kills and destroys – that is his nature.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 10:10

God gives LIFE and MORE ABUNDANTLY! These kingdoms are completely contrary to each other and OPPOSITE. That means that when you see one word that represents the devil – pick the complete OPPOSITE and that would represent God.

Just to clarify, just because someone is “rich in worldly goods” does not mean they are prosperous. Prosperous is totally different than materialistic. Materialism is the worship of material goods – the natural realm. Some of the richest people in the world are the most miserable, depressed, oppressed, addicted and the list goes on and on – while others who carry “the appearance of happy” are godless, empty and deceived in darkness. (I Cor. 15:32) Worldly happiness is not joy. Joy only comes from the Holy Spirit and it is not tied to material and natural pleasures.

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:17

Prosperity comes from God as it carries BOTH natural and spiritual blessings, flowing from the spiritual into the natural.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

3 John 1:2

What about Jesus? He was prosperous, having abundance. He was so prosperous He allowed Judas to handle the money bags – and he helped himself from it. (John 12:4-8) Again, Jesus said, “the poor you will always have with you but you will not always have ME.” Jesus makes a complete distinction between Him and those with an impoverished life.

It is God’s will to prosper you in this year. Believe in His prophets and you will what? PROSPER.(2 Chronicles 20:20) Again, they PROSPERED through he prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah. (Ezra 6:14) Embrace prosperity in 2023 because you need it to do His Kingdom work! Realize that you can do nothing of Kingdom value without God’s prosperity and blessing in your life. We don’t function independent of God but rather totally dependent upon HIM. Is there work and sacrifice involved? YES and especially in regards to our pursuit of God – and It’s all worth it.

Take The Land

There are lands that must be taken this year. No matter what it is you can believe that God wants to do it. Be it according to your FAITH. (Matthew 9:29) Don’t limit you’re thinking because God wants to to break out and break forth into the new thing that He has in store. It is good and healthy to FORGET the former things as God wants to do a NEW THING. Learn how to MOVE ON and FORWARD into the NEW! Clean up what you need to and move on. The Lord will show you what needs dealt with so you can then forget it and move forward. Don’t live in the past, but move into your future in the Lord.

Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19

God loves to do new things in our lives. He makes ALL things new. He wants to keep things fresh in our lives. He does not want us to get stagnant but to come alive! Believe for the impossible for that is what God specializes in. Faith is not for what is possible but for that which is IMPOSSIBLE. Only believe.

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

Revelation 21:5

The lands that need taken “are not limited to” families, children, open-door opportunities, natural blessings, financial blessings and whatever the Lord has spoken to you personally. Dreams that God has given He wants to fulfill in your life. Now is the time to believe for all that God wants to pour out. With this does come a price to pay. Oh yeah, that part.

As always, there is a cost to see these things come to pass in your life – but it is worth it. By the grace of God you will pay the price and see the full manifestation of His goodness in your life. Seek God about the personal price you need to pay. He speaks, you obey – then see the blessings of the Lord overtake you.

A Year of Revival Glory

The glory of God is going to explode in 2023! The glory of His Presence will come wave upon wave, stronger and stronger. Recently, I’ve seen many dreams of family members coming to the Lord. Some of the most impossible situations are going to turn around for the glory of God. Revival will break out and we will see a new wave of harvest coming in.

The beginning of this year is a great time to really press in, seek the Lord, get in position and be ready for this outpouring of His Spirit. Things that were delayed on a global scale in revival are going to break out this year.

May the Lord give you grace to seek His face because it’s going to be “way better than good!”

In conclusion – be encouraged to engage in worship, prayer, the Word and with fastings as this will help you to break out into a prosperous place. Understand that fasting is not to earn points with God but for you to personal sensitize your spirit to His Spirit – to enhance the relationship you have with the Lord, have a heart cleanse and to hear His voice more clearly.

But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

Matthew 6:17-18

You will be BLESSED as you give your total surrender to the Lord. You have the best heavenly Father who is THE REWARDER of those who diligently seek Him. When He sees you in the secret place, He will REWARD you openly.

Have a most blessed, amazing, powerful, anointed, overflowing, glorious and majestic breakthrough year in 2023!

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