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As My Soul Thirsts For God

Can we measure just how valuable it is for us to make room in our days to spend time with God? We can have a good start in their walk with God but even more importantly we want to finish well. Consistency and faithfulness are essential for us to live pleasing to the Lord. May God stir a hunger in your heart to follow Him unreservedly!

In Pursuit of God

It can be easy to get caught up in all the things that you need to do, the many things to get done and lose sight of what matters most. At the end of the day we want to be able to look back, see our pursuit of God and see that we are putting Him first in all that we do – serving Him with the whole heart.

As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

Psalm 42:1–2

It really takes us being intentional about putting Him first. In a world with so many options and directions to run you have to have a plan of pursuit. We are only here one time so we need to make it count for His Kingdom. The Lord knows everything about out lives. His promise to us is that if we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness then He will abundantly supply as we embrace a His heart and mind. When we have our priorities right then everything else falls in place.

Divine Optimization

Contend for the best that God has for your life. It can be all to easy to settle for less. It takes an “excellent spirit”, stepping back and examining what you can do to “optimize” your life in the Lord. You have to ask some questions. What is most valuable to Him? How can I implement that in my life? What are some things God has been speaking to me about that I need to follow through on? What is most valuable to you and is it in alignment with God’s heart?

The Longing Heart

At the foundation there are things that God calls all of us to do that need to be first. What is common in our devotion to God is worship, prayer and spending time in His Word – developing our relationship with Him. Then He speaks to us individually about the specifics that He has called us to. All the details of what God has called you to is found as you seek the Lord.

O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You;My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.

HEBREW TERMS: shachar(“seeks”), tsama (“thirsts”) and kamah (“longs” or “yearns”)”

Psalm 63:1–2

There is no replacement for a longing heart. We need to always have a longing for God and not be lulled to sleep by the spirit of this world. The key is to keep your spiritual fire burning. Also, understand that you have a spirit, soul and body – these are one as well. If one area is off it affects the others as well.

We need the mind of Christ – being renewed in His Word, our spirit needs engaged in prayer and worship and being in good physical condition does help quite a bit as well. All these aspects of our lives work together so that we can serve God with all of our heart and strength.

Allow His Presence to permeate your life as you spend quality time with Him every day!

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