Author: Brandi Belt
Imminent Revival
A few weeks ago, I shared an awesome testimony of a woman who was healed and delivered of mental illness. Today, I want to share about what has happened in…
An Angel, Healing & Revival
Revival reawakens spiritual passion for the reality of the kingdom of God to be fully manifested in every area of life. Another way to think about revival is an outpouring…
The Love of God
God loves you unconditionally and beyond what you can imagine. Consistently throughout the Bible God teaches His love is perfect, inspiring, forgiving, enduring, faithful and so much more. I wanted…
On the Road to Calvary: Part 2
Can you feel the nearness of God during this season? How has your time with God been going? Let me know by replying to this email. This is part 2…
On the Road to Calvary: Part 1
Over the last couple of weeks, I have tried to use the time to evaluate my heart before God – asking Him to deepen my understanding of His love and…
Shift Your Atmosphere
How are you holding up? Have you been able to focus on Jesus over the last few days or has the negativity of the hour weighed you down? God wants…
Time To Shine
You have the amazing privilege of being alive during this time in history. The Body of Christ is entering Her finest hour and we should expect the glory of God…
God wants your identity restored!
What is the greatest miracle you need today? The greatest miracle you need isn’t necessarily the most obvious, it is the one keeping you from fully pursuing God. I am…