From the time I first came to the Lord as someone right out of high school, one of the things I came to recognize when I got together with other believers was this manifested Presence of God that would come.
When we come together in unity with the goal of fellowship in the Presence of God through worship and prayer, the oil of His manifested Presence is poured out upon us. Because of the blessing of having a home group on Friday night, then church on Sunday mornings I came to experience Him on a regular basis. I truly cannot imagine having not had this – a real Spirit-filled experience in my beginnings. When I eventually had to move geographically I?d learned how to practice His Presence wherever I was. It was not an option but something I had to have even if I did it alone. This is where God wants all us to be.
Did I read my Bible – yes. Did I pray – yes. Did I worship – yes. Yet all of these things had to produce a result, even His manifested Presence. I knew it would abnormal to NOT experience His Presence in my devotion every day. I found worshipful music would help as I practiced engaging the Presence of God.
What was the consistent fruit of this? Peace, joy, love (apart from my limited love that was in my soul). Our love runs out. His love never ends! There are so many benefits to engaging God?s Presence in our lives. You are more patient, gracious and giving. All of the fruit of the Spirit outlined in Galatians 5 is manifested in your life.
As well, you are awakened in your power and authority that you have in Christ. You are given wisdom. Basically, everything that God wants in your life and for your life is found in the Presence of God. You can live by list of things to do or you can fulfill that list by living by the Spirit in the manifested Presence of God.
Find wholeness of life as you hunger and thirst for more of Him!