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The Coming Deluge of His Glory

The Lord has been speaking to me much about preparedness for this next season of what He is getting ready to do. Don’t you know that we are living in the most exciting of times? Our world is very much fulfilling the words of Daniel where men will run to and fro throughout the earth.

But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.

Daniel 12:4

I can remember 2 decades ago people talking about this happening then, but now it is multiplied to the hilt. With this there is a corresponding acceleration of things in the realm of the Spirit.All that God has given us in this time, in terms of technology and communications, these are tools to be used to advance the Kingdom of God, getting the good news out to the masses.

Just as there is waiting time for new life to be birthed, there is a big birth of revival that we are waiting for. We are waiting, preparing in anticipation for this great event of the last worldwide revival to break forth into the earth like we have never seen. We are seeing glimpses at this point, some hot spots in the earth. I recently read somewhere that as we are waiting we should be preparing for the manifestation of the answered prayer that we have offered to the Lord. My wife Brandi and I have talked about how we sense that we are just inches away as it seems to see breakouts of God’s glory and presence that are beyond what we’ve ever experienced. Recently she had an encounter where there was an amazing deluge, a severe flood, of God’s rain where she could not even see in front of her.

Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord.
His going forth is established as the morning;
He will come to us like the rain,
Like the latter and former rain to the earth.

Hosea 6:3

We just want to keep pressing into the extra mile to break into this new place. Do you feel that as well God infuses us all with the spirit of prayer that His glory would break out in unprecedented ways. There is a big berth of revival that will sweep throughout the world. As well, we ourselves long even more for habitation of His Presence among the community of God’s people, hubs of His glory presence.

Now the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the former ways of his father David; he did not seek the Baals, but sought the God of his father, and walked in His commandments and not according to the acts of Israel. Therefore the Lord established the kingdom in his hand.

2 Chronicles 17:2

I’ve been reading from the life of Jehoshaphat out of 2 Chronicles, how this man of God embraced the ways of his father David and the ways of the Lord. Again we see how God so valued the life of David in that he had learned the ways of the Lord, so much so that David’s ways and the ways of the Lord became almost synonymous as he was a man after God’s own heart. God established the Messiah Jesus on the throne of David (Isaiah 9:7).

Jehoshaphat was raised up by the Lord to bring restoration back to Israel, teaching the Word of God to the people, restoring the judges of the land, bringing the people back to God as he also destroyed the high places of idolatry (2 Chronicles 19:4). He helped to usher and restore a backslidden people to God. With all the compromise and idolatry in the Church there is going to be an awakening with leaders endowed by the Spirit of God who will also crush the high places, the false gods that have infiltrated the lives of His people. It is God’s heart to restore His Church, to awaken them to His Presence and reality once again.

Realize that God has an awakening for your heart, that you can say yes and stir that awakening to a higher place in your own personal life.

Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

2 Timothy 1:5

Don’t wait for the big shebang of revival, but prepare your heart to be a conduit of God’s glory now. Ask the Lord to teach you His ways and let them become your own. Get to the heart of God’s heart. Prepare the way for the Lord to flow like a rushing river through you today.

Lady Raised From the Dead: On the heels of this article, while I was writing it, my wife Brandi was in transit to Phoenix, AZ via plane. On her flight a lady died. The flight was going to have to land somewhere else other than the destination because of this. Brandi conversed with the Lord about it saying, “Lord I need to get to the destination, there is not time for this.” So she began to speak in tongues and prophecy destiny into the woman’s life, that she would fulfill all that God had called her to. Suddenly she came back to life and the flight stayed on course! This is just an amazing miracle testimony and a taste of the revival glory that God is beginning to pour out. Here is the video that Patricia King posted of my wife Brandi’s testimony of what happened on the plane:

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