Crossing Over Into the Opulent Splendor of God

Many are invited to the banquet, but not all will come.  Make sure you not only get on the invited list, but respond to the invitation!

The Opulence of Heaven

We are in a season of crossing over into a very opulent neighborhood of God’s overflow and blessing. I recently had a vision that depicted a place of glory, opulence, overflow and great prosperity. This place was glowing with bright white light with the glory of God. It was a place of abundance, peace, provision and new wine in beautiful opulent wine glasses. It was like an opulent banquet was set up and waiting for the invites. Crossing over into this neighborhood I was immediately met by a man who was waiting for me. This man reminded me of Melchizedek, High Priest, even Jesus. I had a sum of cash in my hands and asked if he would bless it to multiplication. He overwhelmingly said, “Absolutely!” with great joy. I was overwhelmed by His response! He was dressed in white business clothes being eager to help and assist.

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

Genesis 14:18-20

God is looking for a people of faith who are ready and willing to cross over into God’s neighborhood of blessing and increase. Just as Melchizedek met Abram after a victorious battle and called him “possessor of heaven AND earth.” It was not only spiritual possesion but natural as well. God has overflow, abundance & provision for us to advance His Kingdom, but it is not without our willingness to leave the old and familiar. Those who have grown familiar and comfortable with their own neighborhood and surroundings find it hard to cross over into the best that God has for them. I’ve heard it said before, “good is the enemy of God’s best”. God’s people too often settle for “good enough” rather than going for God’s best. Behind this motivation is a self-serving spirit that really is not willing to give it all up for God. The old neighborhood represents that which needs given up for the sake of the best that God has.

Leaving the Familiar & Comfortable

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6

There is no faith required to stay in the old neighborhood. Some are born in the old neighborhood and will die in the old neighborhood. God has to give us vision to see beyond the familiar into His fullness and place of opulent blessing. God is not a second-class citizen.  He is first class all the way. Heaven is a first class place. But you can know that no handouts will be given in heaven, but He will give us rewards for the things we have done. Those who want handouts are simply leeches. Those who don’t want to work and don’t value work are the same. The Lord says, “Give me something to work with.” Just like the boy with the few loaves, the boy gave Jesus something to work with.  God wants to give us a hand up so that we will grow up into who He has called us to be. He wants us to offer what is in our hands that He may bless and multiply it.

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Psalms 37:25

We are not beggars but rather royalty in the Kingdom of God with an invitation to partake in the realities of that position of royalty.  The old neighborhood being traded in for the new neighborhood is not a fair trade.  It is an outrageous blessing that God gives to us because He is good.  Yet the religious poverty-stricken mindset of man fails to recognize the value of all He is offering to us, therefore people with that mindset will stay in the same familiar old neighborhood given over to the same depraved religious thinking.

Heaven’s Unshakable Economy

God’s world and our world are totally different. Talk about two different ends of the spectrum! That is exactly why Jesus wanted us to pray His kingdom come on earth “as it is in heaven”. There is a need on earth to have heaven manifested. The great deal is that God wants to manifest heaven on earth in every way.

I was recently shown two dark clouds that are coming toward the United States. One may have already come, but if so it was a small one. The bigger cloud is yet to come. Still in the midst of this revelation God is saying that there is a place of His opulent blessings for those who are willing to cross over and leave the familiar things behind. God is making a separation between those who believe and those who don’t, from the religious and those of faith. He is doing the separation, not man. He is taking those who believe into a place of refuge, peace, rest and overflowing blessing.  Now is the time to choose where we will be in these times. Times may not get any easier, but God’s economy is stable.  He has the best insurance in the cosmos!

Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, ‘Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess.’

Joshua 1:11

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