Ecstatic Joy In His Presence

Heaven’s realm is filled with amazing joy! God wants us to be partakers of that joy realizing just how real the joy of our salvation is. He causes us to drink with joy from the wells of salvation, making us joyful in His house of prayer.

Ecstatic Joy

We have been experiencing such an ecstatic joy in His Presence. God has been breaking in so unusually it has been amazing. One of the reasons I believe we have been experiencing this is our fresh recognition of the impoverished spirit that is rooted in religiosity. Just by seeing this thing and the source of it, and breaking any association with it has produced a true life-changing joy in the Presence of God.? Our worship and just time in our meetings has gone up to an entirely different level, not in skill, excellence or performance but just the sheer atmosphere of joy in heaven being manifested in our midst. It is so addicting to have God just whack you where it is all just His Spirit having His way. Programs go out the door and God’s Kingdom comes in. It makes us that much more hungry and thirsty for Him. Songs of joy are breaking loose and there is such ease in His Presence where the simplicity of the love of God reigns.

There is nothing better than hanging out with God. I recently shared how the Lord gave me a dream of cases and cases of new wine as far as my eyes could see. Since then it has been just a drinker of His glory. When we decide to dump our programs, great ideas and all else at the feet of Jesus His glory takes over. I don’t mind having plans. I will continue to have one. But God is welcome to dump it at any time. It is the only way to live. Church as usual is over. We need the new wine of His Presence. What is the point anyway if it just that “old” way of doing things. God is into the new, fresh and sudden things. We are here to develop the habitation of God’s Presence in our midst. We live in such a great day. What joy He gives to us in the pleasure of His will.

Beware of the Dogs

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation! For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

Philippians 3:1-4

The lack of gentleness is a manifestation of a religious spirit. God calls us to have a gentle spirit that does not force things in the flesh. Don’t make friends with an angry man or people who have an angry spirit. You won’t find the Holy Spirit near such a person. Stay free and clear of such people. Jesus is gentle and of a humble heart. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. A meek person is someone who has power but is able to reign it in when needed. There is something to be said for tenderheartedness. Hard hearts never experience the Presence of the Holy Spirit. People with hard hearts don’t even realize that the Holy Spirit has left or never have even experienced His Presence in the first place. A tender heart to God is a magnet that draws the Presence of God. God wants us to have hearts that are like magnets, gentle hearts that pull on His heavenly life. The love of God can dwell in such a heart yielding to Him in this way. Religious people are likened to dogs that bark all the time making much noise, having a rigid edge. Jesus said told us to steer clear of these people, to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees – the dogs.

Freedom From Rigidity

God wants to fill us and anoint us with His Spirit and power, but He cannot trust a people who don’t have a gentle spirit. God desires a tender-hearted people who are flexible and yield to His Spirit. Finding freedom from stiffness, rigidity and religiosity will enable us to discover the freedom and joy Jesus died for us to experience. His kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy and those who love it will enjoy it!

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