Freed from the Curse of the Law

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.

Galatians 3:13

Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us. What is the curse of the law? The curse is upon those who live by the law or even live by the list of legalisms and extensive rules. God does not want us living by a list but by relationship with Him. The law came because of the transgressions of the children of Israel (Gal. 3:19).

Because of this idolatry and transgression God issued the law. The key of faith is to know God as a covenant keeping God out of relationship rather than a lawgiver. Abraham, the father of faith, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) offered sacrifices to God for memorials on the altar as a natural response in thanksgiving to Him for revealing Himself in powerful and very personal covenantal ways (Gen. 12:7-8, Gen. 13:18, Gen. 26:25, Gen. 33:20, Gen 35:7).

Choosing the Spirit

God gives people a choice – this happens when the people choose a king rather than choosing God to rule over them – God gave them Saul. Yet God wanted a direct relationship with the people. The curse of the law affects people when they live by the law rather than allowing God’s law to lead them to the Person of Who He is.

The law simply revealed what God would demand with the revelation that it would be impossible for any man to fulfill it – outside of Christ, God Himself. Therefore Christ became a curse on the tree setting us free from the curse of the law that we might be partakers of the Spirit Who enables us to fulfill God’s desires as He writes His commands upon our hearts.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 

Gal. 3:13-14

Appropriate the Work of Christ (His sacrifice)
Go through the Door of Faith, Living by Faith
Receive the Spirit to Live Inside Out

Communion with the Spirit is essential for us to live in freedom apart from the curse because we cannot please God in our own self-effort or works. Rather the work of Christ is sufficient removing the curse from our lives and ushering in the blessing of Abraham into our lives. That is the blessing of one who lives by faith through dependency upon the Holy Spirit instead of works by following a list.

The sacrifice of Christ also ushered the blessing of Abraham into our lives. What are some of the benefits of the Blessing of Abraham?

  • Blessing I Will Bless You
  • Multiplying, I Will Multiply You
  • Supernatural Favor (Psalm 5)
  • Life of Faith & Encounters
  • Victory Over Enemies/The Blessing of Melchizedek (Bread & Wine)

Where Will You Run

The law was just a tutor to lead us to the Person of Christ. Everything God does is to get us to come to Him. If you run the other direction things will only get harder. He will put things in your path that are not so pleasant. As always, when unpleasantries come we get the choice of where we will run. It reveals what is in the heart. Will you run to God or to something else Living by the law is a horrible way to live because it was never meant to be the case. As it reveals the shortcomings of our lives it is meant to drive us toward God – our relationship with Him.

The Faith Connection

In the beginning of the Galatians chapter three Paul asks the question, Who has bewitched you Oh foolish Galatians Then he goes on to talk about how they started in a life of faith then fell into a lifestyle of works apart from the Holy Spirit. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Scripture says Abraham believed God and it was credited for righteousness.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Heb. 11:1). What does that mean? When someone gives you an agreement for ownership of anything, you sign the dotted line to take ownership of whatever that may be. In the same way God gives us promises. Then He says, Sign the dotted line to make it yours – to make it your own personal possession. The substance and the evidence is the signed contract between you and God on His promises. God gives us His promises in black in white in the scriptures. He also gives us personal promises that are only between you and Him through your relationship. These personal words from God into your life are to be claimed as well – even as they are confirmed with 2 or 3 witnesses. This means that your personal promises are not contradictory to the heart and truth of scripture. All the promises of God are yes in Christ.

In your heart and with your mouth you signed on that dotted line, coming into agreement with God that Jesus was raised from the dead through both belief and confession. As we walk by faith we continue to do this with both His written and personal promises by signing on the dotted line as His promises are revealed to us. As sons of God we are given His promises that we may experience His divine nature in our lives. We begin to live as Christ lived and walk as Christ walked. Through this we begin to see the blessing of Abraham come upon our lives – because we are then living by faith through intimate relationship with God.

God wants to bring us to a place where we can believe Him to do above and beyond what we can ask or think. This is beyond laws and the list of things to do. It requires a living faith-filled relationship with God that believes He will do what He said. Appropriate the work of Christ in your life today exiting the curse of the law and through faith embrace the blessing of sonship in Him as heir of God.

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