We need to learn how to leave things in God’s hands. When we take things into our hands we forfeit the blessing of God. If we do this are no different from the world (which does not know God) opening the door to all kinds of problems. When we put things in God’s hands we can enter into His rest, live in His peace, receive His joy and He is able to settle things both inside us and outside of us. He will make our enemies at peace with us when our ways are pleasing to Him. (Proverbs. 16:7)
1. Give It To Me
Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord.”
Jeremiah 17:5
Life continually presents opportunities for us to give things over to God. The more we realize that God is much better at handling things than we are the better off we will be in every aspect of our lives. When we try to take things into our hands, we take things out of God’s hands. This will cause us much trouble, strife and frustration. Many times people wonder why God is not doing anything. Sometimes God is saying, “Why don’t you give it over to me and let me handle it?” We should never underestimate the power of our prayers and our ability to speak life into situations and people. God has given us the grace to let things go and then speak with His authority into these things to shift the atmospheres surrounding the circumstances.
2. Release & Be Blessed
When we take things into our own hands we miss out on God coming through for us. In this we forsake His blessing and the testimony that comes from His power changing things. Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes the flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. Taking things into our hands only brings a curse. Nobody in their right mind wants that. It is amazing how simple it is to give things over to God. It is just a matter of releasing. One thing that will help us to surrender these things is the reality of His presence. If we can just enter in to the place of worship and get a grasp on the greatness of God, His power, His all-sufficiency, then it will make it much easier for us.
3. A Different Kind of People
When we take things into our own hands it also makes us no different from people in the world who do not know God. Think of it. If we decide to do things ourselves then we are operating in that cursed system of thinking. Christ came, died and was resurrected to bless us in the heavenly realms with Him. When we take control we take our seat in the earth rather than in the heavenly places with Him. Jesus Christ in us makes the difference. It is Jesus seated in us and us seated with Him in the heavenlies. Christ in us, the hope of glory. Jesus told Martha, “If you believe you will see the glory of God.” When we believe, we trust Him enough to put things in His control. His glory is working in us and is ready to be released through us.
4. Rest In the Boat
Putting things in God’s hands, our own lives, other people, situations and whatever else, we can enter into His rest. We can rest in the boat with Jesus relaxing in His love. He settles things both inside our hearts and brings quiet to the outside trials. Count it all joy when you enter into various trials. Our faith is made pure as gold in these times. It is how we respond that makes the difference. When we lean on Him He causes everything to work for our good and to His glory. Choose not to be earthbound, but rather be caught up in the reality of heaven’s realm where the revelation of His power and provision is released. His promises never fail.
How Do We Put Things in God’s Hands?
- By Not Leaning on Our Understanding (Prov. 3:5)
- Casting Our Cares Upon Him (1 Pet. 5:7)
- Interceding for others & for God to change things (2 Tim. 1:3)
- Spend time with God beholding Him through worship, (Rev. 1:10)
- Asking for His wisdom on how to deal with life situations. If there is something we are to do outside of prayer He will show us when we ask Him. (James 1:5)