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Library of the Spirit & The Acoustics of Heaven

God is ready and willing to take us up into His library of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of wisdom and revelation is available to us as we ascend in our worship to Him. There is so much for us to encounter.

Walking Through The Holy Spirit Library

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

John 21:25

There are literally unlimited volumes of truth, graces and anointings of the Spirit that are available to us as we take a walk through His library. Dwelling in His glory presence we have the ability to pull from the resources of heaven and bring them into this earthly realm of living. Just as Jesus told us to pray His Kingdom come, the heavenly realm of His Kingdom is the reality that we are to usher in. He is the King. We are the kings that bring forth His kingdom here and now. Every day, do not forget to put on your crown. 

God has given us a kingly crown that represents His ruler ship being played out through us. Just think of all that Jesus did that was recorded and yet John the Beloved tells us that the world could not contain the books if it were all written. This gives us an idea of just how much God desires to pour through us. With Jesus as the forerunner and example we are called to manifest the same glory of God. He walked on the earth as a man, emptied Himself in such a way that He did not operate in the earth as God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and yielded Himself to the Spirit as an example for us to walk in the same manner.

When revelation is implemented it becomes experiential and understanding to us.

Acoustics of Heaven: A New Sound of Holy Revolution Being Released

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Acts 2:1-2

I was having an encounter in the library of the Holy Spirit. Walking down the aisle I saw and heard the sound of acoustics coming from the midst of the book shelves. I pulled out a CD that had a title called “revolution” on the front. There are new sounds, the acoustics of heaven being released through the spirit of revelation. As we walk in the Spirit we will begin to hear these fresh heavenly acoustics of a new sound that will produce revolution and the fire of His Presence. Just as in Acts 2 there was a “sound from heaven” released, the fire followed the sound. The tongues of fire were released following the sound that was as a rushing mighty wind. The breath of heaven is being released in a new heavenly acoustics sound with fire and glory.

Table of Fellowship & Community in Communion with God

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

Acts 2:46-47

This new sound is being released in conjunction with a community that is seated around the Presence of God. The Presence of the Holy Spirit is at the center of this community. Just as it was in the Book of Acts. The Holy Spirit was the new addition to the disciples that then became apostles. The Holy Spirit was in the center of it all. It was His Presence that made the difference and gave reason for all the power that was released in the Book of Acts. 

Without the Holy Spirit in the center, yielding to His leading, dying to our church programs and predictability, there will be no power period. We must be willing to lay down to the Spirit’s leading at all times. We must hunger for the fire of His Presence. We must seek for the freshness of His Presence.He brings refreshing.Without Him we can hang it up.What is the point anyway without having the Holy Spirit in our midst What a waste of time to try to be effective in God without any sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

For those who will yield to the Spirit and make a conscious effort to put Him in the center of our activity there will be a genuine community of believers. There will be a stripping away of the superficiality and a gifting of the sincere and pure fellowship of a people set apart to God. There will be a common heart and mind for He will be the common ingredient that brings cohesion to our fellowship.

The dining table represents the intimacy of fellowship with God and one another.

The Lord desires a people of one heart and mind where His Person is at the center of all activity. Just as the sun is at the center of our universe, so God must be at the center for life to be sustained.

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