Looking Inside to the New Creation

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.

Ephesians 1:18

God has deposited within us the fullness of His heavenly treasures in Christ. Paul prayed that we might know the extent of the riches of the inheritance of Christ within us. When we look within us we should see the life of God residing. Just as God has His throne in heaven, His throne is within us. God wants us to understand that He is easily accessible to us right inside of us. His glory has come to dwell within us. He is no longer in the box. He is in living temples of His glory. We are living stones being built up into a habitation for the Living God. He has made us into His very own Body. We are the Body of Christ. Jesus being the head, we comprise the rest of who He is on the earth. Having made us saints He is pleased to fill His body with the fullness of who He is.

I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart, And my spirit makes diligent search.

Psalm 77:6

When you pray, close your eyes, shut off the distractions of men and see how deep you can see within. See how deep you can commune with the Holy Spirit. See how you can tap into the heavenly resources that His Presence provides. Moses would not go anywhere without the Presence of God (Exodus 33:15). Angels were not good enough, but God has put within us His very person! That is far beyond what Moses asked for, far beyond what He could have imagined even possible! It is a mind-blowing thing that God is within His own people. Realize that you are a wonder in God’s eyes having your own testimony of your eyes being opened to His marvelous love and grace. As you realize that you are a sign and a wonder for God then it will much easier for you to release His wonders and signs. It all begins with our personal revelation of His wonder and glory in our lives.

His River of Peace

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Let the lamp of God be lit within you through deep communion with the Holy Spirit. Break through into the inner court of your heart and see the new creation that God has put within you. See the glory of the new person He has made you. He has given us a new heart, a new man, quickened the inner man, a new creation created in true righteousness and holiness after the very image of God. There is nothing we can do to add anything to what He has already done. Everything is complete in Christ. His work on the cross has brought us before His Presence, giving us access into the courts of the Lord. We can approach God without shame, guilt or condemnation knowing that we are His very own saints reflecting the image of His person. It is Christ in us, the hope of glory making all things new.

Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:11

All we have to do is reckon yourselves dead to sin as we see that Christ has already died in our stead. Then know that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell within us quickening the new man, our spirit within to be alive to God. By faith and trust we enter into our stream of devotion with the Lord in our communion with the Holy Spirit. His life flows out from us like a river of peace.

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