A Place of Broad Rivers & Streams

God has abundance for His people. Jesus promises us “abundant life” that affects every aspect of living.

When we look up the actual word for abundance the definition is very broad and far reaching. The expanded meaning of it extends to express “to the hilt”, extreme, in the sense of beyond, superabundant ,superior, excessive, preeminence, exceeding abundantly above, more abundantly, advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous.

But there the majestic Lord will be for us
A place of broad rivers and streams…

Isaiah 33:21

It is not a place of narrow streams with barely enough to get by, not a place that is lacking in water but overflowing with more than enough. Notice that it does not say that the The Majestic Lord “might be” but WILL BE for us a place of broad rivers and streams! Our God is Jehovah Jireh, the El Shaddai whose nature is streaming with never-ending life.

This is God’s standard of living. Let go of lower standards that are inferior to His Kingdom and embrace His Most High standard of life! Abundant life is the reality that Jesus calls us to believe, receive, embrace and live.

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