Today is the day to speak life! Give yourself over to higher thoughts. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are God’s ways higher than ours. Making every thought obedient to the truth of God?s Word, higher thoughts, makes God’s life and love flow much smoother.
There are thoughts that lift you up and thoughts that bring you down. There are thoughts of possibility and thoughts of impossibility. There are thoughts of faith and thoughts of fear. All kinds of thoughts arise when we are confronted with different things that challenge us. Some things we encounter we jump at with faith and expectancy while others can make us want to hide. Thoughts of failure, fear and doubt need to be confronted and replaced with higher thoughts, God’s perspective and promise. The key to overcoming is finding specific promises that apply toward the things that challenge us and make us uncomfortable. The promise is the guarantee of the positive outcome and victory in all things. As we renew our perspective in the light of the promises we will change and strongholds that have been built up over time will come down.
As we discover what things are triggering fear and other negative emotions we can begin to see the openings in our hearts and then to close these openings to the darkness of lies by filling our hearts with light of truth. At this point healing occurs, renewal of the mind and strongholds of faith are established to replace doubt and unbelief.
Living in higher thoughts also enables us to realize the higher authority of Jesus in us. The lower thoughts originate in hell. We must get a revelation of the authority that Jesus has and has given to us to walk in. The people took note that Jesus taught as one who had authority, not like the scribes. Jesus constantly exercised His authority. In these passages below Jesus delegates His authority to us to go and be His representatives:
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore . . .
Matt 28:18-20
By throwing down the imaginations that exalt themselves against the truth of God?s Word we then gain a greater place of victory and as well a place to see others set free in areas where we have found freedom. But it is only when we find that place of freedom that we are able to be the vessels of freedom to others. Joy is one of the signs of our true freedom. If there is not joy there is some kind of oppression over our minds that is keeping us down below the place we are to be living. We need to understand that joy is not based on outer circumstances but is a spiritual reality in Christ because of the living revelation of who we are, where we are and what we have in Christ. When the kingdom of God is manifest there is a breaking of chains that obviously results in peace, joy and the ability to live a holy life in God! That is why over and over we see in scripture where people are freed from demons, are healed or have an encounter with God etc. resulting in great joy and rejoicing. Make a choice to live the life of joy by trusting in the authority of God?s Word, speaking life by confessing what God has already said that you are, lift you spirit in worship and prayer, rest in His work on the cross and receive every good and perfect gift that God has for you. Never forget that God is good and ONLY does good things for His children.
Recieve His Higher Thoughts concerning you today . . .
And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
Romans 16:20
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”