Prayer Instrumentals

Prayer instrumentals are excellent for your times with God. Jesus told us that the time that we spend in “the secret place” would be rewarded openly. With that we should use all of our resources to help us stay in that secret place with God. Using prayer instrumentals is one way of helping to do this. There is something much more effortless using some music backdrop for your quiet times with God. Even if you have the music at a low volume, it just creates an atmosphere that helps you connect with the heart of God – often much easier.

With that, there are times you may not want to use prayer instrumentals. Sometimes it is good just to have a purely quiet time with God. There really is no replacement for getting out in nature with just the music of the natural surroundings. But when you are at home it does help to have these prayer instrumentals around to accent the prayer time. There are amazing benefits in spending time with God:

Awaken Intimacy with God

What relationship is any good that does not have quality time with those involved? The answer is none. It is mandatory that we have our own time with the Lord. There will be many that come to the Lord saying, “Look what we have done in Your Name!” The Lord will respond, “Depart from Me… I never knew you.” What does this mean except that we have an example of people who thought that just through doing things in HisName was enough. The root of their problem was that they had no relationship. Everything they did was superficial.

Faithfulness Rewarded

This life is about God’s faithfulness to us as His own and our faithfulness to Him. When we stand before Jesus the phrase we want to hear is “Well done! Good and “faithful” servant”. Our lives are about faithfulness to the Lord, not a high performance driven life. Herewards us for our faithfulness.

His Abiding Presence

One of the most wonderful benefits of spending time with God is we know His Presence in our lives. There is no question of His indwelling us because it is a living experience. God does want us to experience His Presence everyday. This is the will of God for our lives. By choosing to be faithful in the secret place we will know His Presence and see His glory working in and through our lives.

These are just a few benefits of seeking the Lord. Using prayer instrumentals most definitely helps us to spend more time with the Lord. In turn we experience His Presence and know His love in our lives.  When we know His love we can give His love away as well. Dedicate yourself to a life of devotion to the Lord. The benefits far outweigh the price we pay to spend time with Him. At first, it may seem like a price. As you continue to seek Him it will become the pleasure of your life. Prayer instrumentals can help make your time with the Lord longer and you will reap the benefits of a blessed life.

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