Soaking in God’s Glory is the most wonderful experience on earth because heaven is now in your earthly body in the Presence of Jesus!
Closer To Him
Yes, he loved the people; all his saints are in your hand: and they sat down at your feet; every one shall receive of your words.
Deuteronomy 33:3
Soaking in God’s Presence is so necessary. We can find the greatest rest and peace as we spend time with Him without any agendas. What burdens can be released by just simply saying, “Lord this is yours, not mine. You are able to bear this, but I am not.” Just by admitting that we are not capable opens the door for God to come in and show Himself as our all-sufficient One. There is no other we can turn to and no other that we should. Everything that comes into our lives should push us closer to Him, no matter what it is. There is no one else we can run to. When we choose to lie down in His presence we are saying that He is our Source, in this we are coming to Him as the One who can meet
our needs.
Laying It All Down
Casting all your care on him; for he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
We can get so many ideas, agendas and plans running through our minds, but His plan is the only one that matters. Soaking has a way of putting us in that vulnerable place of agenda free living, giving Him the time that He longs to have with us. His Presence is the comfort that we need no matter what is going on. Having learned about soaking through my own experience, even before the term what coined, I cannot image life without just laying down in His Presence. My most popular position is laying on the floor with legs kicked up just absorbing Him, where I’m soaking in God’s glory, His peace and love. Lives that don’t understand this place have learned to live with burdens that can easily be given to Him.
Quieting The Soul
Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.
Psalms 131:2
Soaking is about quieting the soul and quickening the spirit man within us. Our spirit is refueled in His Presence. Our spiritual energy and inspiration are re-invigorated to where we can flow in His love and grace. It is not about what we do. It is about what He does in us and through us. Soaking in His Presence really plays this out because we are taking time to do “nothing” and in this we allow Him to fill us with His life and substance. In this place we receive His love that never fails. He is the person of love. Without Him we can do nothing.
Soaking In God’s Glory
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2
When we spend time soaking in our prayer times with the Lord we also get perspective on what is really important. Only things of eternal value, things that are after the Father’s heart desire are what last forever. It is easy to lose this perspective when we get too busy. Soaking helps us to bring God’s perspective back into focus for our lives. When we lie down many times the first thing that happens is all the voices of what we need to do come up. I would recommend a pen and pad to write these down so you can leave them alone. But don’t try to create more items to do but just write them as they come up. Meditate on a scripture. Find a verse that speaks to what you are needing or what you are sensing the Lord would speak to you. Then continue to soak in that word praying over it until you sense the peace of God settling into your heart.
Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Hebrews 4:11
Soaking is not work, but rest. Everyone needs to rest. Everyday it is our time to rest in Him. Be blessed in His rest and the peace of Jesus Christ keep your heart and mind at ease.