The Tempo of Heaven

It makes all the difference for us to get in sync with the tempo of heaven. The world has a rhythm. God has His rhythm that is completely different. Heaven has a frequency. We need to tune in to get on God’s channel. There is a different pace that cannot be imitated, duplicated or replicated. The Holy Spirit is the means by which we can find His tempo, the beat of His heart. The soul needs to come into alignment with the Holy Spirit in order for us to experience this connection. When the soul is leading, (mind, will and emotions) it takes us off track where we miss the heart of God. The soul must yield itself to the desires of the Spirit.

Let the Peace of God Rule

If we allow our mind, our desires and our emotions to dictate to us what we are to do then we will be misguided and not have the peace of Christ. The peace of God is only discovered by those who have laid down the noise of the soul before God. Life decisions, in the Kingdom of God, are not made according to natural reasonings. We don’t look at the stats to make our choices. Information can be helpful but the only factor that counts is God’s voice. It is necessary for us to get on His wavelength, find His heart and know His tempo. When things feel busy and out of sync, it is usually because we need to quiet things down. The best thing to do is slow down. Force your soul into a place of rest. Take away all of its props and be still before God. Take time to get rid of all of the noise, voices and distractions so that His peace and rest can be found. This is how we “let” the peace of God rule in our hearts.

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

Reflecting God in Your Spirit

All music reflects the tempo or rhythm of another place. Music reflects a source. If music has the anointing of the Holy Spirit it will cause the image of God to be reflected in our spirit. If the source is the spirit of this world we will reflect that same spirit. Our being is affected by what we hear and absorb spiritually. Our dreams will also be a byproduct of what we are taking in throughout the day. With this it is a good idea for us to think about the amount of time we are spending with God and what time is going to other places. The more time we can spend in meditation on the things He has prescribed the better off we will be, the more we will reflect His image and be the people He desires us to be. The first Psalm promises that he who meditates in the law of the Lord (the words of God) will be like a tree planted by a river that bears fruit in season. It also promises that the “leaf will not wither”. This means there is no deterioration, but we will be like an eternal tree of life. Then God gives us the blessing without boundaries saying that’ “whatever he does shall prosper”. Last time I checked on the definition of “whatever” it means everything. When our hearts are in God’s tempo everything works, everything is blessed and we live in from a place of His hand resting on our work.

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