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Blowing the Trumpet of Revival

We are now entering into a fresh wind of revival where God is marking His people to be instruments of His glory. The trumpet is being sounded clearly and without mixture as God is breaking through into His church with mercy, grace and awakening – to usher in a new move of His power, glory, and presence! Hear the sound of His trumpet and see the activity of heaven being released before your eyes.

Revival Dream (7-24-2022)

I was with a man of God in what was a very traditional orthodox church. This man of God began blowing a golden trumpet in different corners of the church. And I saw this unusually tall woman, about 25 foot high, dressed in religious garments. It was most unnaturally tall representing that which keeps people blinded to God’s activity and deaf to God’s voice. At one point this spirit was trying to cover a churchgoer for protect their ears from the sound of the trumpet that was was being blown. This religious spirit was trying to “protect” the people from hearing the sound lest they wake up into a revived state in the Lord. It would try to cover the ears and the eyes – so as not to allow them to see or hear what was going on. This is the nature of the religious spirit. It disguises itself as “the protector” but is actually “the deceiver” – to hide or blind people from the reality of heaven and to make them deaf to God’s voice.

The man of God kept going throughout the church blowing this golden trumpet. This man wouldn’t say a word he would only blow the trumpet. Then he came close to the main sanctuary where people were sitting down. He began to blow the trumpet in the main sanctuary and the religious spirit wanted to stop him but couldn’t. As he began to blow the trumpet the spirit began running toward him from behind but it was too late! The glory was already being released and there was nothing that could stop it. Then the man of God began doing a charismatic jig dance in the center isle where everybody was sitting there and still blowing the trumpet as well. The spirit of revival was released as you could sense the atmosphere shift. There was offense to those who still held to a religious form but the glory came as there was a marked shift in the atmosphere into the realm of revival. After this I awoke in awe with the feeling of revival presence saturating me.

Fresh Wind of Revival

We are in a window and season of time where God is now blowing the trumpet of revival for a fresh wind of His Spirit to be released in the Church.

Awake, O north wind,
And come, O south!
Blow upon my garden,
That its spices may flow out.
Let my beloved come to his garden
And eat its pleasant fruits.

Song of Songs 4:16

It is beginning in the hidden places of the church that might be considered the “halls and back rooms” but it is going to work its way into the main sanctuary where God will break out in fullness. In the more hidden places of prayer and prayer groups God is going to begin releasing fresh levels of His glory and Presence – as people begin to lift up their voices in worship, prayer and breakthrough. In this spiritual engagement, His Body will experience transformation bearing the fragrance of His glory and presence.

Time to Awake

The golden trumpet is symbolic of a pure sound of the Spirit awakening the church out of it’s slumber. God works in times and seasons and now we’ve hit that season where a great awakening is in it’s beginning stages.

“Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.”

Isaiah 60:1

It is time to “arise and shine” to and awakened state fully embracing the new revival thing that God is ready to pour out – hear the trumpet! The membrane in the heavens is thinning out as the sound of the trumpet, even your voice yielded to the Spirit, will crack it open! Keep pressing into the greater glory.

Time to Come Up Higher

After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”

Revelation 4:1

The trumpet also symbolizes the call to “come up higher”, to see from heaven’s perspective, as we see in Revelation 4 – even as the voice and breath of God being released. This is a call to humble ourselves to seek the face of God in worship and prayer. He who humbles himself will be exalted to higher places in His Presence. Go deeper, dig deeper to go higher. Just as the the tallest and strongest trees have the deepest roots so we need deeper roots in the Lord to grow strong and ascend into the high places of His Presence. Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord but he who has clean hands and a pure heart.

Time to Breakthrough

As well, the trumpet is an instrument of breakthrough and cuts through into the atmosphere ushering in the new move of God into the earth. To live in breakthrough is to live in victory. Breakthrough with the voice of the trumpet into the high place of victory in His Presence!

They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing;
For the majesty of the LORD
They shall cry aloud from the sea.

Isaiah 24:14

Now is time to lift up your voice in the Presence of God. God has given you a voice. The trumpet is also symbolic of the prophetic voice – your utterance of God’s decrees and the truth of His words needs released through you.

“Cry aloud, spare not;
Lift up your voice like a trumpet;

Isaiah 58:1

“ONLY” The Trumpet Sound

One very important thing to note is that the man of God blowing the trumpet refused to voice is own words. The entire time He made sure that HE ONLY BLEW THE TRUMPET. This is the trumpet of true revival.

Then He charged them, saying, “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”

Mark 8:15

This is NOT the trumpet of man’s fleshly opinions, a political spirit or religious spirit. Jesus told us to beware of the leaven of Herod (the political spirit) and the leaven of the Pharisees (the religious spirit). We should never call what is emanating from a political spirit the Holy Spirit – or attribute a politically motivated spirit to the voice of God. That is dangerous territory. All opinion and debate formed of the flesh needs to go out the window if you want to see true revival in your life or in your church. Revival is about God’s glory.

It’s time for the Church to RISE IN THE GLORY OF HIS PRESENCE, not in a political spirit. God’s revival is not about politics. What changes any realm or mountain of society is the glory of God. No glory, no change. No heart transformation, no real change. No matter what arena of society you are called to transformation begins as you are abiding in His Presence, cultivating your intimacy with God, abiding in His words, even as you love the Lord – then you take His glory into your sphere of influence. The influence is His Spirit.

Align yourself with the voice of this revival trumpet as you lift up your voice “like a trumpet”.

Let the Fire Fall

After this dream I awoke experiencing this “revival presence” and enjoying it! (There is something distinct about “revival presence” that is like icing on the cake where you experience the Holy Spirit with lots of extra “heaven on earth”!) As I was soaking this in I heard a worship song in my heart that I had not heard in possibly decades by Jason Upton – “Let the fire fall, let the wind blow, let the glory come down”. As this dream came early Sunday morning (7-24-2022) we used this worship song in our Sunday service and God’s glory came very heavy, the weighty glory, as we had to keep going in worship for the majority of the meeting.

God is pouring out His Spirit in a fresh way. Just say YES LORD and lift your voice like a trumpet!

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