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The Lion is Ready To Roar!

I had a profound encounter last night before going to bed. I think it is just like God to get you right before you fall asleep. I had to get out of bed to make a record of this! I felt it important to share with you. We see Jesus in many different expressions in the scriptures. He is the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Lord of Hosts, the Angel of the Lord and many other looks. But last night He came to me as the Lion who is ready to roar. As you read, ask the Lord to reveal this aspect of His nature in your life.

Riding the Lion

I had a vision where I found myself on the back of this giant lion with a huge mane. Then I realized it was the Lord. As the lion turned His head, I could see his mouth open as if He was getting ready to roar. It is time to ride on the Lion of Judah. It is as if He has been waiting for this season. There is something fresh and new in the air. The breath of His mouth will destroy the enemy. In this vision I was also running my fingers through the mane of the Lion. This represents the intimacy with God that is the foundation for our authority. Our intimacy is for a purpose. It is to establish the Kingdom of God for the King. The Lion is symbolic in that it is the “King of the Jungle”. The world is that jungle. Jesus is coming as the Lion to rule in the jungle bringing His power to set people free.

The Lord carries us into that jungle with His authority. When we are riding on the Lion King we can be assured that we will succeed in all He calls us to do. I’m reminded of a vision that I had a few years ago where a Lion was pulled out of a lake by 4 little workmen, mice. In this I was thinking “there is no way that this Lion can live.” The Lion had drowned. But it was resuscitated back to life, a picture of the resurrection. The Lion is alive and well, ready to ride.  He is massive, larger than life. He is ready to conquer and demonstrate His power.

A Time for Surprise

I was suddenly on this Lion, He was of full age and postured for action. This will be a time where God will do things suddenly. It will take us by surprise. The sons of the kingdom will advance the kingdom for His purposes and with His power. I’m now reminded about what happen on the first day of our conference in March of 2010. We have a friend in ministry in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. In the place where they minister, a lion was spotted, being seen loose by several people. There were so many reports that the news media reported it as a headline event.

The Lion Report

Here is the post from Thursday, March 25th, 2010:
Residents in one Cincinnati neighborhood are worried after hearing reports that some kind of a large cat, possibly a lion, was spotted wandering the streets there Thursday morning.911 dispatchers say they received several calls about the animal around 7 a.m. on March 25, 2010. It was seen in the 500 block of Glenwood Avenue in the Avondale neighborhood, near Phoenix School. The Cincinnati Zoo, which is only blocks away from where the cat was seen, did a head count and says all of its large cats are accounted for. Police with rifles searched the area, carefully searching through a dumpster outside the school and using an aerial ladder fire truck to get a better vantage point on the neighborhood from the air.Officers say the reports are credible. The callers say the cat was buff-colored and had a mane. It triggered motion lights along the school. The witnesses say they saw the cat sit upright, then lithely hop a six foot fence near the dumpster and disappear. There were no tracks left behind by the animal and it was never found. But police say they continue to be on the lookout for the animal.”

God is definitely up to something. The Lion is on the move… Whenever the Lord comes as a Lion that means serious business. He is coming to put an end to all counterfeit spiritual government to establish His government.He is ready to roar and it is time to ride!

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