The Magnet of God's Glory

When we create an atmosphere of God’s glory in our lives, it is like a powerful magnet that draws the favor and blessings of God.

Create Heaven’s Atmosphere

How important it is that we learn to create an atmosphere of His Presence. I cannot begin to tell you just how important it is for you to understand and apply this in your life. If there is one thing that I would tell you is most important, this is it. The reason is… this is all about seeking the Lord first. It is about putting His Presence first in your life.

How do we create atmosphere?

  • Vocalized Worship (anointed worship music)
  • Read the Word Out Loud (wash yourself in the Word)
  • Have Discernment, Know Your Authority & Take It in Jesus Name
  • Pray and Give Thanks Continually
  • Sow Seeds of Life

We Need God’s Blessing

When I make reference to the “blessings of God” in our lives, it is about not being able to live

without them. To live without the blessing of God is to live independent of God, trusting in our own selves. That is why we cannot live without His blessing. In order for us to really live in the blessing of God His Presence must be in our lives. God’s glory is the manifested Presence of God. It is the weightiness of His Presence.

Covet His Presence

The bottom line is that we all need to learn to practice God’s Presence in our lives. Only you can do this for yourself. Sounds selfish, self focused? It is. You have a need for the Presence of God just like everyone else on the planet. We are allowed to be selfish concerning the things of God. Paul told us to “covet” spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:31). The Greek word here is “zelos”. It means to be zealous and have “great affection for”. We are allowed to covet the things of God, His Presence especially. The Presence of God, God’s glory, is the best thing for us. When His Presence is in the room we come alive, His Word comes alive and we taste of His goodness.

His Presence is like a magnet that draws blessing and favor, because He is the source of blessing and favor. Jesus is Lord. When His Presence is among us He takes dominion over all things.

Moses knew that he needed the Presence of God:

Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”

Exodus 33:15

David knew he needed the Presence of God:

Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Psalms 51:11

Be A Habitation of God

When we learn the way of worship, we learn how easy it is to move into that place of His Presence and glory. God inhabits our praise. We are created to be habitations of God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus paid for us so that we might be inhabited by His Spirit. Nothing scares the devil more than a people inhabited by God’s glory! We should be saturated with His glory. The light of His glory casts out all darkness. God wants His glory light to shine in and through us to cast out the darkness in this world.

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