In our lives God will set us off into uncharted waters. This is part of the adventure of our faith, to see God do amazing things. In them, He reveals His faithfulness.
Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19
Venturing into the unknown, uncharted waters, is not always the easiest thing to do. But God is faithful to lead us by His hand into these uncharted waters. I was laying back in my recliner praying in the spirit in a soaking manner and spoke the words Uncharted Waters. I really believe that God is taking us who are willing to yield to His desires into some very new uncharted waters in the Holy Spirit. These waters will have treasures in the deep places of intimacy with Him.
God loves to do fresh and new things in our lives. Much of these things may be accompanied with things that are difficult in the natural and like most anything good that God does there is a cross that must be crossed in our hearts to experience the new resurrection life. So whatever it is that you may be dealing with in the natural let that become the vehicle that brings you into a deeper experience of His life in new uncharted waters.
One thing is always true is that old has to be done away with to make room for the new. God is into change and transformation. God is into new things. Having the old removed is not easy but it is many times key that ushers in a new fresh living life of God into our hearts. Let’s venture into these uncharted waters.
As I was meditating on these words I saw a picture of a submarine in the deep ocean beginning to submerge and descend into the depths of the waters, moving into unknown territory. It was a joyful ride. Part of the picture here to catch is that the submarine is leaving the surface to descend into another realm beneath, a deeper place in the waters – uncharted waters.
A tremendous key to begin this descent is to see that we have no control over our natural circumstances. We must concede our control to the Lord that we may begin our descent into the deep of His Presence. This is our surrender. This is our life being laid down for Him and His Heart. To move into uncharted waters this has to be our resolve – to be surrendered vessels that trust in God’s faithfulness.