Relationship Preservers

I saw a picture of God throwing out relationship-preservers.The Lord is very much into reconciliation. He knows how to bring healing and restoration to our hearts and forge strong relationships that have had difficulties and hurts. Just as we have been reconciled to God, the same Spirit of Christ desires to manifest that same love and healing in all of our relationships. View relationships like a bike wheel with God being the center where all the spokes meet. Spokes can be broken thus weakening the operation of that tire. As the spokes are repaired the wheel can operate the way it is intended to. Our relationships are the spokes that are connected through God. God is the maintainer and support of relationships. Damaged relationships are also like pockets of darkness that keep the Light of God from being fully revealed in and through us. So it is very important that healing occurs so that His Light can shine through us.

How does this healing occur As we turn our eyes upon Him confessing our faults, extending love and forgiveness to others, receiving forgiveness from God then turning our focus away from the past failures and difficulties of ourselves and others. It is also very important that we do not take ourselves so seriously. Take God seriously. We don’t need to bash ourselves over the head if we make a mistake. God is not surprised, nor should we be. Know this, if you are hard on yourself  you will be hard on others. If you extend grace to yourself  you will extend mercy and grace to others. Extend bountiful grace to yourself! Lots of it! One of the major blessings of grace and forgiveness we have is that if we do mess up God has abundant forgiveness available to us.

His heart of mercy and forgiveness far surpasses the most gracious person on the planet. There is no comparison.So as we freely receive, we freely give. He wants us to get a deeply rooted revelation in our hearts of just how great and merciful He is so that we will extend that same to others. He is just the opposite of natural love. His love is of another world! It cant be found on earth. It must be accessed from heaven. If you feel like you have run out of love. It is because you have! We are not even to begin with our love. It is to be His love from the beginning flowing through us.

We are simply the vessels of His love.When you feel like His love and grace are not in you for someone, it is time to go get it from His world. We access His world by prayer (speaking and listening to God) through the Spirit within us. The Holy Spirit pours His love into us. Thankfully there is plenty of love for all of us! God is into healing your heart. Don’t stop His flow – yield; don’t focus on self, what you deserve and etc. Embrace the cross. Learn the lesson. Jesus did not utter a word as He was crucified. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. Most of us, including myself, have not been tested even close to that point. We all must realize that if we ever are tested in such a way it will only be by the love of God and His grace working through us that we could pass such a test. But He is able! We do know this. Whatever we are facing in relationships or in interaction with people He has provided what is necessary to overcome all that is in our path.

Through His great and precious promises we are partakers in the divine nature. The promise of prosperity and peace is marked clearly in the first Psalm of scripture. If we follow that pattern in our hearts we will see victory. When Jesus hung on the cross He spoke the words, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Know that when you are treated wrongly that whoever it may be does not realize the eternal consequences of their words and or actions. They do not know about the demonic influence that they are operating under. Our words have eternal impact. So it is important that we don’t acquiesce our position through retribution and bitterness. Have mercy towards all. Mercy triumphs over judgment. God has seated us in heavenly places far above all demonic power. We must find our rest and peace in Him allowing His grace and love to flow through us. We cannot afford to forsake the cross. The cross is central to the true Christian life.

Holy connectivity to the realities of His divine life, love, peace and joy is the cure to endure the cross that is set before us.Know that once you have obtained freedom from bitterness and anger that you may be tempted to once again meditate on the past offense and in turn begin communing with that spirit of bitterness. This is why it is so important to keep your focus on the present, forgetting those things, which are behind the weights and sins that so easily entangle. Forgiveness is a choice and a release that is supported by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is always the key to maintaining your freedom. He must be welcomed to come and fill the place that was once occupied by darkness. Jesus used the analogy of the house being cleaned of darkness but never filled with light or the Spirit. So when the house was not filled after the darkness was kicked out things got seven times worse. But being filled with the Spirit is 70 X 70 fold greater for your freedom. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty . . . Set your heart to be a minister of reconciliation being the vessel of freedom God has made you to be . . .

And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Romans 16:20

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