Being Kind in An Unkind World

Discover opportunities to express the kindness and goodness of God. His goodness turns hearts His directions and opens up doors to display His glory.

Acts Done In & Through the Spirit

The Lord told us that in the end times the love of many would grow cold, there would be increased violence and the general disposition of people who do not know God would turn sour. In our life with God the most profound things are the simple things. What is important is not the grand and glorious, the things that the world exalts, but rather the things that are not as noticed and unseen.

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

1 John 3:18

We have been entrusted with the true riches of Christ in us, the hope of glory. These riches are manifested through us as we walk after the Spirit, not after the flesh or being dictate to by the difficulties and things of this world. We are called to be an “otherworldly” minded people – a people whose minds are set upon the things of heaven. As our focus is upward and heavenly our lives should manifest the attributes what is reality in heaven.

The simple life lived with kindness is a life that is manifesting the love of God. It is amazing how doing some simple thoughtful things for others opens doors of the heart to experience God’s love. Doing kind things for others are opportunities to invade a person’s life with God’s love. Walls that people put up can be pulled down by simple kindness. Sometimes we make things so hard and difficult, trying to pull down a stronghold through loud spiritual warfare and etc. when it can be as simple as doing something in anointed kindness.

Jesus told us to bless, do good and pray for our enemies. These are practical things that are very spiritual. Part of the problem has been that the mindset of many in the church is to separate natural and spiritual. But everything we do is spiritual. All that we engage in is spiritual. Every decision is spiritual and has a spiritual impact on others and us. If we give a disciple of Jesus a cold cup of water this is a spiritual act. There is a blessing that is released when that takes place. We would look at that as a completely natural thing, but it is just as spiritual as our lifting our mouths in praise to God.

David’s Revelation of God’s Kindness

Having the heart of David, a man noted to be a man after God’s own heart, is to have a heart that is giving, kind and generous. David was kind to Saul, a man who was trying to kill him. No wonder God called David a man after His own heart! Not only was he an amazing psalmist, having a life that reflected His heart of worship to God, but he lived out the “loving kindness” of the Lord.

The king asked, “Is there no one still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show God’s kindness?”

Samuel 9:3-7

David had experience the loving kindness of God. It makes complete sense how “loving” is connected in one phrase with “kindness”. The loving kindness of God was manifesting through David to others. It was not good enough for David to experience God’s loving kindness. This kindness of God’s love had to be expressed through him to others. In response to all the kindness God had shown him, he expressed that same kindness to Saul sparing his life when he had the opportunity to take it. David was not so presumptuous to take the life of Saul recognizing him as the one God had anointed – even through he was next in line to the throne of Israel. When Saul had died he sought out someone to show kindness to from Saul’s house.? This was all done out of honor and love for Jonathan, Saul’s son. David showed kindness to Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan from the house of Saul.

When David was running for his life, living in caves he was still being kind in an unkind world. His heart was so in touch with the heart of God that could only release blessing and kindness. He knew this was the only life to live and would settle for nothing less than to recognize his blessings and bless other in the process. At that time his blessing was a spiritual inheritance of anointing with a promise. He remembered the Lord sending the prophet Samuel who anointed him with the oil with the hope of someday being the king in Israel. This was good enough for David. He was content and waiting for the Lord’s promotion, not being so presumptuous to force something in his own flesh. He knew that unless the Lord built the house it would be in vain and would come to nothing. What better thing could he do but just release the same kindness of God that was continually given to him in the realities of God’s love and presence. Here was David’s heart and commitment:

I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalms 16:8-11

Releasers of His Glory

As we learn to receive and experience His Presence and glory, we are then able to release His glory to others. His goodness is the thing that will change the heart.

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Romans 2:4

Being smart and only knowing the scriptures will not cut it. It takes people who live in the Presence of God to be give away and experience with God. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can draw a person in the right direction. Our communion with Him is essential to be releasers of His glory.

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