Can we find some biblical principles of dream interpretation? We most definitely can conclude that God speaks through dreams as we find it replete through the scriptures. Job tells us that when God speaks in dreams that “He seals instruction” and “hides pride from man”.
There are different types of dreams. Some dreams come from your soul. Others come from where you’ve been throughout the day. Some dreams come from who knows where! Then other dreams come from God.
Learn to Discern
The first thing as we look into Biblical Principles of Dream Interpretation is to have enough discernment to know where your dreams are coming from. In my own personal life I’ve found that the bulk of your dreams come from the things you interact with everyday – even where your heart is devoted. This would be the rule with exceptions that apply. For instance, when you are involved in atmospheres that contain people with emotional issues: fear, violence, hatred, bitterness and these kinds of things you will probably dream along those lines if that is where you are engaged.
But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:14
On the other hand, you can be in pursuit of God in the secret place of prayer and His Presence. From that interaction you will gain more dreams that are inspired by God rather than your interactions with others. Why? Because you are choosing to be more devoted to the Lord than to man. This is the place where prophets are built – in the secret place of His Presence.
Keep Your Focus on Jesus
You don’t want to focus on dreams that are opposite of the character of Jesus Christ and the goodness of God. The devil is the author of lies, fear and all the things that are contrary to the fruit of the Spirit. Because of this you don’t need to focus on bad dreams. Those dreams can be taken to prayer for intercession on others behalf or your own – but they should never oppress you. You have freedom if you are in Jesus Christ. All dreams need to be scrutinized by the Word of God. If they don’t line up with the nature of God the discard them. Remember – GOD BIG, devil small. GOD GOOD, devil bad. Make sure that God is what is HUGE in your heart and mind. Forget everything else. The goal is that your dreams become more and more heaven-centered. You want encounters with God in your dreams. That requires your whole-hearted pursuit.
…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
How do I know this? I’m a prolific dreamer and have been for decades. I’ve experienced abundant encounters with God in my dreams. I receive heavenly worship songs in my dreams – sung by angels, experienced heaven’s glory and received instruction in dreams countless times.
Believe me, you don’t want to settle for less.
Learn the Symbols
Have a healthy fear of God, rather than people. Fear God, hate evil. He is loving, good and trustworthy – so lean into Him. Understand God’s nature – what He is like. To do this you can read the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. It is vitally important to understand the nature of God, and have a relationship with Him, before you can interpret a dream.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
Proverbs 1:7
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Then move on to understanding dream language. When it comes to dream interpretation there can be plenty of symbolism. There can be common symbols that everyone can interpret the same. Then there can be symbols that have specific meaning for you personally.
Most dreams are not literal. They can have some literal applications, but the majority of them will never turn out as they play in your dream. But there can be a literal unfolding of the “heart” of the dream – the point of the dream.
Get the Big Picture
When interpreting a dream you want to step back and look at the big picture of it. Dreams vary with various personalities dreaming the dreams. A very detailed personality might get TONS of detail – much of it may not be that important. But then the overall message of the dream could be very important.
You want to step back to see the bigger message rather than getting hung up on the details. Then if there is meaning in the details you can figure that out later. Get the main message. That is where the meat of it is.
Dream Interpretation Keys
Here are a few ideas on where to start when it comes to Biblical Principles of Dream Interpretation:
Discover the Secret Place with God: If you haven’t done this or maybe you don’t know Jesus. Give your heart to Him. Simply invite Him to come into your life.
Study the Word of God & Welcome the Holy Spirit:
Use God’s Word as Your Standard and the Holy Spirit as Your Helper.
Use Discernment: Figure Out Which Dreams are Important. Throw away the bad and hold to the good.
Write Down the dreams you think may have meaning, pray over them and see if God will show you the meaning. If not, don’t worry about it.
Build Your Symbols Library: It takes time to discover the meaning of differing things that happen in your dreams. Sometimes you can have a dream about a person (but it’s what that person represents – not necessarily the actual person. You could be “role playing” in a dream where your living out someone elses experience. Even though it’s you doing it in the dream – it’s not about you but possibly someone you where with that day.) Then you will have your own personal symbols that have meaning only to you. The best thing you can do it be faithful to the Lord, study the scriptures, abide in worship and welcome the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of things to you.
Practice the Presence of God
This one thing cannot be emphasized enough – spend quality time in the Presence of God. Learn how to spend time with Him. This will be the most valuable thing you will ever invest in your life. Daniel, who interpreted dream for Nebuchadnezzar in the days of Babylon, had wisdom to interpret because of His relationship with God. The interpretation comes from God.
This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the Most High, which has come upon my lord the king:
Daniel 4:24
Here is some soaking instrumental music that will help you connect with God. Get a Bible and start ready as you create an atmosphere of worship with this music.