What Is Christian Humility?

When it comes to the subject of Christian humility not everyone is clear on what that looks like. We do know that humility is fully embodied in Jesus Christ. So what does humility look like?

Misconceptions about the meaning of humilty can cause great difficulties, and even stand in the way of leading a fully Christian life. I definitely don’t have the corner on it, but here are some ideas that may help.

Humility does not mean thinking badly of yourself, or trying to hide your accomplishments. If you know a person who boasts and brags about his successes, or acts as if he were better than other people, you already have a view of what you should not do. No one wants to be around a person like this.

In contrast, the person who is humble gives credit where it is due. The Christian who practices humility begins by acknowledging God as the source of all that is good in his life. If he gains a success, he knows he would not have accomplished it without God. When you experience something positive, be aware that God is the source of the wonderful blessing. Your awareness of God extends to knowing he would not even exist otherwise. A humble person will defer glory and credit to God, not boasting in his own self.

Humility extends to hard events in life too. When you experience a loss or a difficulty, these are also times to acknowledge God. The strength and courage to continue during hard times come from knowing there is a reason for your faith. Knowing God will not let you down or leave you results in faith based on humility. When pressing on is something you know you cannot do alone, all you need to do is acknowledge God as the source of your strength.

To acknowledge God working all things for our good is one part of humility. Another part is to be thankful. Learning to be thankful is a good place to start in regard to humility. While it may seem easy to thank God for his gifts when you are going through a difficult time or experiencing something very positive, humility requires consistent gratitude. If you start by thanking God for your life and every new day, being humble will become natural for you.

While thanking God in everything is essential for the person who wishes to live a Christian life, humility must also extend to other people. On the job, he does not think about the boss who hired him, or the coworker who helped him complete a project. At home, he may fail to notice how much his wife does for him, or how cooperative his children are in the household. Noticing helpful friends and neighbors probably does not happen very often either.

Humility appreciates people who have helped you in life. Instead of taking them for granted, acknowledge their contribution. When someone does something for you, do not miss the opportunity to say thanks. Even if they do not do anything specific, let them know you appreciate them for who they are as people.

Humility is about knowing life would not be as it is without the help of God. Acknowledging God and His grace in every aspect of life is the core of Christian humility. When you do this consistently, you will never lose focus. Give other people the priority they deserve is the next step. Remember that you would not be where you are or who you are without God and those who support you.

Aspects of Humility

Simple Obedience to God through a life yielded to the Holy Spirit.

A Disposition that Reflects the Nature of Jesus Christ

Giving God the credit at the source of your life, inspiration and accomplishments.

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