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Delight in the Light

Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD;
And I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth,
And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father.
The mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Isaiah 58:14

The Simplest Packages

It is always good when we can simplify things. We all have things to do throughout each day. How good it is when we can find a way to break through the clutter of thinking and find rest, peace and joy in the Lord in a simple way.

The greatest truths are wrapped up in the simplest packages. I accidentally caught myself in a place of ecstatic joy and peace not caring about anything but just hanging with God. I had to stop and think to myself – what am I doing? My spirit had been caught up into a place of utter tranquility overflowing with a celebrative heart. At this time I just feel the Lord’s pleasure. So I thought, “Hey! I’m delighting myself in the Lord!” I have not thought about it in that way in quite some time. Have not worded it like that. But isn’t it as simple as that. The beauty of the experience is that I was not trying. Many times we try way too hard. We need to be resting and relaxing in His arms.

The Extract & Deposit

Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Psalms 37:4

I figure that once I get to that place of delight the Lord extracts what is not of Him and makes a huge deposit of His desires within me. What a deal! I’ll take that one! All the things that we think are important or even the things other people tell us are important – I wonder just how important they are? Are they really important? Most of them probably are not, but are just anxious rats of the soul that need to be trapped and killed. Isn’t that a sweet way of putting it? But I believe it is the truth. We have many concerns, many thoughts that should have been taken captive but were not (2 Cor. 10:5, Matt. 6:31). But when we enter into that place of His Presence His Holy Spirit snatches those things casting them down where they belong. He begins to re-order our thinking heavenward. Most of the earthly stuff moves into the un-important category.

A New Category

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Colossians 3:2

God creates a new category in our thinking. It is called heavenly things. Then He slides new files into that folder. He gives us pictures of His heart, pictures of our destiny in Him, pictures of His love and how that love unfolds to others. He begins to show us His perspective on things. He is the lover of our soul. He is good to us. Oh! To be caught up with Him all of our days! To live with the reality of His love for us! And to be the vessel of His love, this is bliss. This is what we are created for. We can let the light of His countenance shine on us as we delight in Him.

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