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Fresh Infatuation with God

In our walk with God it is important for us to continually experience a fresh penetration of our hearts. It is a penetration that brings tenderness and yeildedness that surpasses the simple accent to turn our lives over to Him. Even though allowing Him to rule in us is a choice, there is a place where the Spirit of God penetrates our hearts to make us much more easily yielded vessels to His purposes. It is like an injection of His goodness into us that makes us take a step back to say, of course Lord whatever you want. Sometimes this tenderness, breaking and penetration comes through one simple word from God, other times it can be a song. Whatever it is that brings us to that place of greater sensitivity to the Spirit, this is what we need to continually flow in the grace of His Presence in greater measures and flow.

Through the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Dayspring from on high has visited us;
To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the way of peace.

Luke 1:78

Goodness of God

Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

Romans 2:4

Fresh revelation of the goodness of God penetrates our hearts and brings us into His loving embrace. In the deep place of experiencing His love we are overwhelmed with His goodness. This goodness is so deep it makes everything that seemed important to fall away. The love of God is the most powerful substance. It can tear down any wall. There is nothing that it cannot penetrate. It breaks through the most difficult of hearts and brings a sedated tranquil peace that nothing can compare to. To discover the goodness of God is discover life itself. This is the very thing that God wants us to experience continually. The deeper we experience His goodness the deeper we will serve Him from the heart.

Yielded to God

It is so much easier to yield to God when our heart has been penetrated with His love. When we are continually experiencing the life flow of His love it makes everything easier. It makes what seemed like such a big deal nothing at all. His love is that powerful! So our yeildedness is no longer a chore, but a pleasure and the obvious choice. This is the reality of being connected with the substance of heaven, that is love. But just like anything else that God reveals to us we must be renewed in the experience daily.

Blessed are those who keep His testimonies,
Who seek Him with the whole heart!

Psalm 119:2

We are easily prone to forget the goodness of God. There are so many experiences that I’ve had in my walk with God. But to keep these experiences fresh and alive is the goal. He continually gives us new experiences as we seek Him with our whole heart. When we seek Him with our whole heart we will find Him. He is always there waiting on us to make a move to draw near to Him. He has promised to draw near to us in return. It does not get any better than that! These new experiences with Him quicken even some of the oldest of experiences that He may have given us years and years ago. His eternal Presence can recall the pages in our eternal history with Him and give us that fresh experience once again. It is here that our yieldedness comes with new and greater measures of His grace.

Sensitivity to the Spirit

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:16-18

When we seek Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength then we find Him and our spiritual sensitivity will rise to new heights in His Presence. The Holy Spirit is the One we commune with. He is the indweller within us. He is the Empowerer. He is the One who flows through us fulfilling the eternal purposes of the Father’s desires. Our eternal life and reward is completely connected to how well we have learned to slow down and yield to His promptings and leadings. It is He who guides us and leads us in the paths His will. Only be learning His ways and loving His Presence, allowing His Presence to flow through us to others, can we live the eternally fulfilled life on this planet. It is spirit to Spirit communication. When we learn to live from the spirit man within us then we will be walking in the realm of the Holy Spirit’s communication and operation. Soulish emotions, desires and will must come under the dominance of the Holy Spirit. This can only happen as we commune with Him in the depths of our spirit man. It is a bypass of the Spirit of God. The Spirit bypasses the natural mind, the soul, to commune with us in the God-centered part of our being. The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord and this is where He illuminates His truth and light within us. As we allow this light to grow in our intimate communion with Him we will experience greater sensitivity to the Spirit knowing Him in the deepest dimensions.

The Beauty of a Flowing Life

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Genesis 1:3

In our sensitivity to the Spirit we experience a profound flow of creative life within us. The very nature of God is that He is creative. Everything He does has to do with creating. When He speaks NEW happens. All things are new in Christ. When we touch Him and He touches us we are renewed. Every time His anointing touches us we are made new again. There is freshness every time we are touched in His Presence. That is why we need touched all of the time! We can never get enough. His anointing makes us holy and fills us with the life of heaven. Apart from His anointing we cannot properly represent Christ. Christ means The Anointed One. To be anointed ones we must have the anointing on our lives. This requires His touch, the freshness of living water flowing through us. By allowing His creative flow of life to abide within us and be released through us we become participants of His divine nature. We become a part of the beautiful eternal picture in God’s divine eternal plan. To be a part of this tapestry is His desire and destiny for each of us.

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