Getting on God’s Frequency

For I am the Lord, I do not change.

Malachi 3:6

God has called us to a place of peace in His Presence. That peace is a witness to us that we are in tune with Him, feel connected and things are in the flow. If we don’t feel that flow there is something out of sync and it is our responsibility to get that back in rhythm. God has a frequency. The Lord does not change. That means His frequency never changes. There has to be something in our lives that we can depend on and know will be consistent, that would be God Himself. He is the One Person we can depend on and know that He will not change, shift or fall into a different frequency. Because of this we know that He is not the One needing to make an adjustment. That would be us. We are the ones who have the capability of falling out of sync, not Him. He does not change.

We are subject to change. We actually need to change, moving in His direction. For this to happen we have to start by getting on His frequency. This is the first basic step that we must take to make progress. If we miss this step, we miss everything. Then the question is how do we get on God’s frequency? The Word of God is the tuning fork that gets us in tune with God. The Word of God is also like the bread as Jesus Himself is the Bread of Life. But there is another aspect as well that is needed. For we have learned that mechanics alone will not put us on the same page with the Lord. We need open hearts to the Holy Spirit.

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.

Isaiah 55:1

The Holy Spirit is like the water. As we all know, we must have water to wash down the things that we eat. There is eating and there is drinking. You cannot have one without the other. Sometimes I will go to eat dinner and forget my glass of water. I can only go so long before I need to get up and go get the water. It is the same spiritually speaking. We need the bread of God’s Word and the water of His Holy Spirit to get us in the flow of His Presence. The Word of God represents the Person of God just as the Spirit represents the Person of God. Jesus was the Word made flesh, the Bread of Life. The Holy Spirit is the manifested Presence of God, the Spirit of Glory.

As we seek to be in tune with the Lord, to be on His frequency, the Word and the Spirit are necessary to bring us to that place. That being said there is one more element that we need to come to grips with to make this picture complete. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God, and that you are not your own You were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

The physical body can be a make or break when it comes to our tuning with the Lord. I can only speak personally on this but I know that if there is sickness, physical difficulty or bodily weakness it makes it that much more difficult to experience the reality of God’s Presence. If we are honest most of the physical problems we encounter, many but obviously not all, are connected to how we treat or have treated our bodies. 

In respect to foods, back in the time of Abraham it was pretty much meat, fruit, vegetables, herbs and whole grains. As you know we have a lot more options on the processed food spectrum, chemical infested foods and fast food. With this we have to be transparent enough to admit that we need to change our bad habits in what we eat. This is important because when our body is in bad condition it does not help us, but can hinder us in regards to connecting with God. Our stomach cannot be our god (Phil. 3:19). Everything that we do, engage in and agree with is a spiritual act. We reap the consequences of our own decisions whether they be good or bad. This has a domino effect in the ability to connect with God. All the same we need to remember that God is not hard, but just wants the best for our lives. God’s plan for us is to be filled with His light and that His fire would burn in our hearts continually.

Fire shall be kept burning upon the altar continually; it shall not go out.

Leviticus 6:13

God is determined to get our spiritual engines running. He wants us ignited with the fire of prayer where it is burning day and night, night and day. A non-stop bonfire of glory and power being released through His people to impact all that surrounds us. The picture is bright burning lamps that are ignited throughout all the earth pushing back darkness. That is the crux of prayer and its purpose. When the light shines the darkness cannot stay. In your mind’s eye see the earth from God’s view. See the globe covered in darkness, then see the multiplied individual lights of His people spread throughout the earth repelling the darkness as the world is then filled with the Light of Jesus. Let that fire burn, let the Holy Spirit in and be that light of God in the earth shining with the glory of His Presence.

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