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Refreshing Waters of the Spirit

Refreshing in His Presence

God gives refreshing and there is nothing like being refreshed. People flock to the beaches just to get refreshing, rest and relaxation. I totally get it too because we live in Oklahoma where it gets to be 100 degrees or more in August. The beach and the pool are most welcome here!

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.

Acts 3:19

But although the beach is nice, there is nothing that compares to the refreshing that comes as we spend time in the Presence of God! It is also a whole lot easier too as you can enter into His Presence right where you are – any place, any time! What water is to us naturally, the Holy Spirit is to our hearts. He is the water of heaven – the very river that flows from the throne of God!

We can come to drink from the wells of salvation at any time to receive joy and refreshing. (Isaiah 12:3) Just by communing with God’s Spirit we are able to find the joy that strengthens, revives and restores us.

From Dry to Refreshed

Sometimes God’s people can get stuck in cycles of dryness. I get it. But it does not have to be that way. The reality is that God’s Spirit does not go anywhere. When you understand that refreshing is part of God’s nature – you realize that this aspect of Who He is doesn’t go anywhere.

He is always there as the REFRESHER of our souls. He is the Lord Who does not change! What does that tell us? It shows us that the issue is most definitely not with God but needs to be fixed on our end.

There are things that need adjusted in our lives to get positioned under the spout where His glory flows out. We all need refreshing. People run everywhere to “get away” to find it. God is good and wants you refreshed more than you want to be!

Tips for Spiritual Refreshing

Here are a few practical tips that you will help you get positioned for refreshing in His Presence.

  1. Confess any known sin (things you have done wrong) if you know of any. Also ask the Lord if there is anything standing between you and Him. (1 John 1:9)
  2. Realize the Blood of Jesus cleanses you of all your sin when you confess to Him. Also know that only by the blood of Christ you are worthy to come into His Presence – not your works. Then say, “Jesus, I come into Your Presence by YOUR BLOOD!” Again it is not by your works or anything you can do. (Hebrews 10:19)
  3. Welcome the Holy Spirit to come fill you with His Presence. Continually welcome to the Holy Spirit. Say, “Holy Spirit come into my heart and refresh me with Your Presence!” Confess you need for Him. He is the HELPER that Jesus told us that we needed. Jesus told us that He has to go away to the He could send the Holy Spirit – THE HELPER. If you need help guess Who you go to? HOLY SPIRIT. (John 16:7)
  4. Begin to engage in worship with thanksgiving. Create an atmosphere with some instrumental music or worship music. Find some here. Music has a way of carrying you into the Presence of God by engaging your heart through sound. Vocalize your worship to God, pray in the Spirit and express yourself to Him. The Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. (Psalm 144:9)
  5. Meditate on the Word of God. Replace the bad patterns of thinking with God’s Word – taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. (Psalm 1:1-3)

Trust in the grace of God realizing that the ministry of the Spirit is superior to the ministry of condemnation (i.e. the Law). (2 Corinthians 3:8) God is love. He pours out His love in your heart by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)

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