Here are some keys to soaking in God’s Presence. One of the best things to remember when attempting to soak in God’s Presence is to not make it feel like work. Saying that, it is true that when it comes to slowing down. Especially is you are a very “busy” type of person, this can be a challenge at first. When you can let everything go and rest that is quite the accomplishment.
Get Quiet
If all possible, find a quiet place to rest. Lay down. Get in a physical position that is comfortable. Put on some soaking music to help you get rested. If you fall asleep that is ok. In this process you are learning to absorb God’s Presence whether you are asleep or awake. Sometime you just need a good rest.
It is one thing to have quiet in the natural, another thing to have peace and quiet in your heart. Quiet in your heart is what we are after. Sometimes we try to get in this resting place and “the list” begins to pop up. Keep a pen and pad handy. If you need to write down things to get them out of your head so you won’t forget, do this. Then set it aside so you can focus your thoughts on the Lord.
Meditate On Scripture
The Word of God can help you in these times as well to get focused. You probably won’t want the Book of Chronicles for inspiration. Try Colossians 3:1 which is about setting your thoughts on things above.
Colossians 3:1 “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Philippians 4:8 would work well too. But find a verse that will take your interest and meditate upon it in your time. By the way, “meditation” is biblical. Read Psalm 1 – “He who meditates….” To meditate on simply is about pondering and chewing on, thinking about. This is how we set our thoughts.
Soak with Music
Use some instrumental soaking music to help you get to a place of experiencing God’s Presence. The reason I say instrumental is because it is like a clean tapestry each time. Worship music is great to worship with. There is always a time we need to engage in worship. But soaking is more about receiving from the Lord. Words can be distracting at times and over repetitive. The best analogy would be a clear white board to write upon rather than something already scribbled upon. In other words, if you use worship music, the words will guide you in the same direction each time. With instrumental you are free to go any direction the Holy Spirit leads. This can be used as a backdrop for meditation in the Word, praying in the Holy Spirit or can help get you to a place where you can rest in quietness of your heart. Sometimes it works to start with soaking music then once you are in a good place of rest, then just lower the volume for more quiet.