Living in the Light of Revelation

Did you know that God wants to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation? And why – it’s in knowing Jesus. And that’s the main purpose of the spirit of wisdom and revelation, is that we would have an intimate connection with him.

The Heart of Worship

One of the ways you can really connect with the spirit of revelation is by engaging in the heart of worship. And scripture says Jesus said, The Father is seeking those who will worship him in spirit. And in truth, he is looking for worshipers, he’s looking for those who will take time to connect with his heart, and that they worship through their lives.

When we worship, by the life, our lives and sacrifice and devotion to Him. Everything that we are and everything we do is an act of worship. Everything that we have to offer to the Lord is an essence worship.

He’s also looking for those who will worship him in the sense of Davidic worship, where you can connect with God like David did. David danced before the Lord. He worshiped the Lord with his voice and with musical instruments, and he just praised the Lord. As he worshipped God he found that place of intimacy and discovered a place of the presence of God – all of this through His worship.

The Light of Revelation

David said that there is “no place I would rather be than in Your Presence… better is one day in your courts than 1000 elsewhere.” And so God wants you to experience that place as well. And when you do, there is an outpouring of the spirit of wisdom and revelation as poured into your life.

Because you’re connecting with God, connecting in the Holy Spirit, communing with the Holy Spirit – in that place of communion the light of revelation comes on. The light of revelation comes on and you see things you didn’t see before. And you see things in a fresh place, a new place and get a fresh perspective – you get Heaven’s perspective. He has actually seated us in Christ in the heavenly places. We are seated with Him. That is spiritual reality. If you’re in Jesus, if you’re in Christ, you’re seated in heavenly realms with Christ Jesus – that’s far above all principality, and power in all spiritual wickedness. We’re in the highest place with Jesus.

Rule & Reign with Jesus

He wants you to rule and reign in life. We do that by connecting with his heart, in the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Revelation is God pouring out who He is in you, revealing His divine nature to you.

It’s different than information. We can have libraries of information in our minds and in our brains never really connecting with the Lord – never having any encounter with Him. It’s only through the spirit of revelation, that we actually connect with His heart, and that we actually hear from God. Like Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, they know me and follow Me.” We want to be in a place where we’re listening, we’re hearing and we’re living in a place of devotion. This is where we’re connected with the Lord in that place of communion with the Holy Spirit.

I just submit to you today, spend some time with the Lord – spend some time just hanging out in His Presence. It’s never wasted time. One day in his courts is better than 1000 elsewhere – find that place within today. Blessings to you!

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