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Loving the Presence of God

Is loving the Presence of God an option? It might be for those who don’t know God.

I recently had a dream where a person was very desirous to be used for miracles, signs and wonders. The person’s focus was totally misdirected. I confronted the person saying, “You don’t love the Presence of God. And because you don’t love His Presence you don’t love Jesus!”

In the dream I was both participating and observing what was going on. As I saw myself say this I was amazed at the confrontational aspect of the word – and the truth in it.

Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.

Exodus 33:15

Is loving the Presence of God an option for those who claim to follow Jesus? It is not. The Presence of God is the Person of God. Moses knew better than to go anywhere without the Presence of God. He knew nothing good was going to happen without God Himself with him.

There are those who seek miracles and manifestations of God’s glory but don’t want to really know the Person Who is the Source of the miracles. When you become infatuated with manifestations rather than God Himself you are totally missing it. God is the center and source of all things. It must be that way in our hearts as well.

LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house,
And the place where Your glory dwells.

Psalms 26:8

Some justify not loving the Presence of God saying, “I worship in my own way” or “I’m just different”. There can be all kinds of excuses for not loving God and His Presence. David, a man after God’s own heart, said, “I’ve loved the habitation of Your house. That place where your glory dwells.”

Are you pursuing the Presence of God? Do you want Him more than anything else or do you just like the manifestations of the Spirit – even without desiring the Spirit Himself? Do you want God on your own terms? Some want to say they love Jesus without loving to worship Him. Take it from David – he knew what he was doing and received God’s first class stamp of approval in the process.

And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.

Acts 13:22

Stephen had a strong rebuke for the religious leaders saying, “You stiff-necked hypocrites! You always resist the Holy Spirit!”

You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.

Acts 7:51

It is important for us to be flexible, pliable and desirous of the Spirit in our lives. Do you resist the Holy Spirit? Do you run from the Presence of God?

You should do all you can to pursue the Presence of God. Throw all your eggs in that basket and get going! Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart. Learn how to love worshipping God – vocalizing your worship to the Lord.

No such thing as silent praise. There is no such thing as quiet prayer. You can meditate but eventually you have to say something. Make your requests KNOWN to God. David said, ‘Hear my voice!”

I said to the LORD: “You are my God;
Hear the voice of my supplications, O LORD.”

Psalms 140:6

God gave you a voice so that you could speak to Him, worship Him and proclaim His good news.

Everything Jesus did was by living in the Presence of God – walking as a man anointed of the Holy Spirit. Without the Presence of God we are dry as the desert. We are called to live in the overflow of His Presence – as carriers of the rivers of living water flooding out of our being.

Love His Presence… Live in His Presence!

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