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New Creations of His Presence

God is always helping us to better understand His goodness towards us. Part of the goodness is in what He has already done by making us new creations of His Presence – where the old has passed away and the new has come.

This really is the best news we can get because it is not about us trying to fix the old person we used to be, but about simply choosing to live by the new person that He’s already made us to be. This is because of all that Jesus accomplished and by the reality of His Spirit in our lives.

and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:24

Before this verse Paul talks about putton OFF the old man and then putting ON the new man which is created after the image and likeness of God. When we look at the word “man” in this passage it is actually speaking of a “skin” like a “wineskin” as Jesus referred to. (see G0779 Greek – skins used as containers: Matt. 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:38)

In these passages Jesus spoke about how we are not to try to put new wine into old wine skins or the old skin will burst. It just won’t work. We choose to live by the ‘new man” or the “new skin” in the new creation. He has given us this new life so that we can hold the new wine of His Presence and walk even as He walked – as a man anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit.

So many struggle in Christian circles to please God in the flesh or through the old man – even trying to bypass the Holy Spirit. This is impossible because we are created to live from the inside-out by the power of the Spirit, not by our own. We must have a living relationship that grows through our communion with God.

Yield yourself to God choosing to live as a new creation in Christ. In this you will find true abundant life as you welcome His Spirit to live through you. OK. I’m not going to leave you without some “practical keys”!

Practical Keys

Learn to be quiet before God

We live in a very noisy society. It takes extra effort to find a quiet place – even if for only 20 minutes. It is amazing what 20 minutes set aside for God will do for you.

Meditate on God’s Word

In that quiet place open up Psalm 23 or Psalm 91 or something like John 1. (Preferably not Leviticus) Begin to treasure His words in your heart.

Turn on some worshipful soaking instrumental music in the background.

Of course – I would happen to have a lot of that! But I tell you it works. Don’t knock it until you try it. The first album I ever created was for ME so I could spend more time with God “experientially” in His Presence.

Why instrumental? When you are wanting to hear God sometime worship lyrics can be distracting because you are looking to hear His voice which will, in most cases, be different words. As well, if you are reading the Word of God it can be conflicting at times- this is where the instrumental shines. One voice at a time and preferrably God’s voice.

So hopefully these will be helpful tips for you. Feel free to send me any questions you might have as well. Believe me. God does want you to experience His Presence continually!

You are newly made to carry His Presence – even in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Seek the Lord to fill you fresh today as you spend time in enjoying His Presence!

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