The Divine Mystery: God Coming in the Flesh

During this Christmas season we celebrate the birth of our Lord coming down in the form of a man, humbling himself to become like us in physical appearance (Phil. 2:8). It is the divine mystery of eternal glory that Mary brought forth the Son of God by the Holy Spirit. It is beyond human comprehension to even begin to fathom how God brought this to pass in such a marvelous way, in a way that know one could have imagined. All the prophecies of old being fulfilled through Jesus, even when some prophecies seemed to contradict another. God wove a divine tapestry, a perfect puzzle with every piece perfectly fitted in the manner in which He chose to bring redemption to us through His Son.

Some of the most wonderful music has been created for the Christmas holiday, Oh Holy Night and Noel and others carry a heavenly sound that is signature in connecting our hearts in worship in a very special way during this time. These songs bring back to our hearts and minds the supernatural occurrence that took place when Jesus was born, reminding us of the wonder and miracle of His birth. It can be easy to just move on through the season with the gifts, materialism and busyness missing the simple wonder of His love for us.

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 2:7

He was born in the lowest of places, a humble stable where all the animals had their home. He didn’t come to a castle, mansion or anything with all the modern day comforts, but in a time that was most difficult. God had a manger for the King of kings as the way of first introduction into the earth. It was only a manger in a stable, but the manifest Presence of God was there.

During this Christmas season take in the greatness and simplicity of the glory of God coming in the flesh through Jesus knowing that where He is there is nothing lacking and we are made whole.

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