You don’t ever want to have a problem entering into God’s Presence. Our devotion to God is such a huge thing. A matter of fact it is the substance of our lives because we find our identity in Him. What that means is we’re not finding our identity in titles, positions, power, things or anything that has to do with this world. When we discover the power of being “IN HIM” we realize that everything else pales in comparison.
I love the promise where Jesus says that our Father, who sees us in the secret place seeking His face, will reward us openly. There is no replacement for discovering God in secret. When you do you will understand why this is most important. When Jesus went through all that He did in spiritual battles, the garden of Gethsemane, the cross with all of the opposition – it was His relationship with the Father that enabled Him to overcome and be victorious.
It is the same with us. When God broke out in my life so many years ago I discovered the key was to find ways that would keep me in the flow of His Spirit and Presence. Worshipful music has always been my “go to” when I feel distant and need to find that river of His refreshing in my life. I know that when I drink of His Presence my spiritual thirst is quenched and His peace is renewed in my heart.
As well add some soaking instrumentals that you can listen to while reading. Is there really a secret to experiencing God’s Presence? There are some things that are common to all our life experiences then there are others that are more specific to each person’s life. There is a secret for your own life. Like a key that needs turned in order to unlock the door so there is something that will help unlock the Presence of God in your life. One thing is for sure – Jesus made the way as the Forerunner into the very Presence of God. Not only that we could enter into the Presence of God, as entering into God’s Presence is essential, but that His Presence would also dwell in us!