
Category: Devotional Life

  • New Creations of His Presence

    God is always helping us to better understand His goodness towards us. Part of the goodness is in what He has already done by making us new creations of His…

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  • Entering Into God’s Presence

    You don’t ever want to have a problem entering into God’s Presence. Our devotion to God is such a huge thing. A matter of fact it is the substance of…

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  • You Can Look Like Jesus

    God is calling you higher! You can walk in the manifestation of God’s glory and be an expression of His godliness. We are entering into one of the greatest outpourings…

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  • You Can Stand

    How is your walk with God going? Are you excited about what God is doing in your life or do you feel like you are in a funk? I know…

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  • Breath of the Spirit

    Jesus wants you to experience the breath of His Spirit. This is part of the good news that He has for all who call Him “Lord”. Part and essential to…

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  • Refreshing Waters of the Spirit

    Refreshing in His Presence God gives refreshing and there is nothing like being refreshed. People flock to the beaches just to get refreshing, rest and relaxation. I totally get it…

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  • As My Soul Thirsts For God

    Can we measure just how valuable it is for us to make room in our days to spend time with God? We can have a good start in their walk…

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  • Make Disciples

    Over the last few months, God has been breaking my heart for the local church in a fresh way. As a believer in Christ we are called to live as…

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